Monday, August 6, 2012

Loving PT

3 weeks into physical therapy.  I currently go three times a week.  I really enjoy going.  And I work everyday at the exercises I am given.  I am slowly noticing improvements.  I don't feel so tight and sore all the time.  Still much work is needed.  But so far I am finding it was a very good decision. 

I am also walking 2-3 times a week for about 25-30 minutes each time.  It is very uplifting.  Because right now I have enough that I am trying to work for.  It may not be understood by many why going for a walk is a huge deal.  Or why PT is so important.  It is just so simple to me, that now I can enjoy walking.  I am learning to trust my hips.  It is scary when they would give out.  Or the pain would be so bad that I didn't even want to walk.  Or feeling like I was nuts when asked which hip hurts and it could have been the left or the right. 

It is just so much to take in that yes I am to just jump right in and do things.  Experience life like I have desired but had once put off.  I can now do things!  And it just floods me with so many emotions that I don't know whether to smile, cry, laugh, or even be upset.

The smile that I show is for the happiness.  The laugh keeps me going through this journey.  The tears are for the joy and sadness I feel.  Upset is what I feel when I think about what it took to get here. 


  1. That's great that you are walking! I just started walking aide-free this week and it's been wonderful! I hope that I can go for walks soon, too. Others don't always understand, but being able to go for a walk is a HUGE deal when you know how painful it once was. Best of luck with you PT! It does make a difference!

  2. Denise I read through some of your blog. You have been through such a great deal too! And yes it is so hard to explain to those that surround us just what being able to walk means to us. and way to go on walking aide free! That always makes for a mood booster.

  3. Thanks so much, Katie! I find myself reading a lot of hip-related blogs since it is difficult to find others with my condition. My condition also resulted in a hip impingement, so we know the same pain - just in a different way. Thanks for the encouragement. I look forward to reading more about your journey :-)

  4. Me again :-) I wanted you to know that I nominated you for a Blogger Liebster Award - if you are up for it, here's the information:
