I have had a bit of turn around with the groin pain. That is really good news. I now only notice the muscle pain if I do something too fast. I almost forget that I have had hip surgery sometimes and will do some movement without thinking about it.
His mom is off this week and taking 2-3 of the kids. Brady has baseball camp 9-3 this week followed by events in the evening. He has ball games on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A makeup game on Saturday and then Tuesday soccer tryouts and Thursday a swim test for Boy scouts.
Saturday were makeup ball games. Brady had his at 930 am and Hannah at 1030 am. Grandma Beverly took Hannah and I took Brady. Arianna was with me to help with Edgar. Dusty show able to get off work but was a little late. I am very happy to say that I managed to carry a diaper bag and chair across my back, and crutch through the lumpy uneven grass all by myself. Arianna pushed Edgar in his stroller and carried her chair across her back. Later that day I decided to babywear Edgar in my side sling. I could do it but my left isn't quite strong enough to go all day.
I also mopped the floors! It had been over a month! Gross is all I need to say. The cleaning water was no longer crystal clear. I also hung out my cloth diapers three times this week.
This week has been better.
- I was able to shower completely standing up
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