Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Left Hip

500 mg naproxen. This is what the doctor called out to help manage the left hip pain. At this point I have less then two months to go but honestly I don't want to hurt until then. So I hope this works. It does upset my stomach. I guess a banana and fries wasn't enough to take it on. So today I took it with oatmeal, buttered toast, and a glass of chocolate milk. I little better. But I still feel a little blah from it.
The left hip also is into making lots of noises. I am a one band musical instrument. It makes popping sounds, clunking sounds, snapping sounds, or my favorite k-chunk. The sounds don't hurt. I guess I can maybe describe sound better then what I feel. I have never known how to describe pain or rate it.
But I must say that my left hip has been giving me pain issues. It seems to be that when it gives out I hurt at the time but also I will limp around for awhile after it happens. And I feel it then. Not so fun.
We have bought a plane tickets for the preop. Now we are just trying to decide what to do for the surgery. Do we buy one way tickets since we don't know when we will be discharged from the hospital. Or do we try to make a guess of the day. Not sure. I know if we buy one way we can buy the tickets there but the return home will have to wait. Not sure what we will do yet.

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