Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby Blues Not so Fun

Maybe I will get around to getting out of pajama pants today and take a shower. This week has just been wierd. I am lacking the energy to get things done. So any attempt to clean the house up to at least a decent condition isn't happening. I think I might actually have the baby blues. I was doing pretty good after I had Edgar but for some reason I am a mess this week. I can hardly nurse him on my left side because it is really painful. I did call the OB office and they sent a script out. But it was to the only pharmacy in town that makes compound prescriptions. So it was going to take a full day to prepare. Maybe tonight I will have some relief but until then I will just have to bite the stick and deal with the pain. But if only my sorrows could end there. I have this headache that just won't go away and what is strange I didn't even have an apidural during labor. I have tried even drinking a little caffiene but no help. At least the sweet tea tasted good and made me feel happy. But unfortunately I still have a headache. It is going on 5 days now. Maybe I am just really tired. And then my left hip just is so darn achy, sore, and stiff. Something is going to have to give. I have managed to work a bit on the laundry and run the sweeper in part of the living room. It was beginning to look like we eat off the floor instead of the kitchen table. Gross. But hey if anyone can think they can do better. Be my guest and get over here. Otherwise don't judge me. Hormones are all over the place. I am trying to think about surgery. But that only is frustrating me at this point. I think I am just overwhelmed with it all.
I know it will get better and a new baby is an adjustment whether it is your first or not. And then to plan for a major surgery that is going to leave me useless for awhile is a lot to take in currently.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, check your blood pressure. Seriously, you can get Pre-e up to 6 weeks post birth. After having AJ the only indication I had was a headache that wouldn't go away.....
