Friday, January 14, 2011


Last night before I finally fell asleep I made a decision that I am going to do nothing. Yes a day of NOTHING! Keep your opinion to yourself because I have been doing housework since I have gotten home. Maybe it hasn't been up to standards but I haven't taken the time for me. And no not because I am a selfish person either. It has been so crazy since I have had him that now it is all catching up to me and I am literally a mess that is crumbling into many little pieces.
So today has been made a day for me. Unfortunately I still have to take the kids to school and pick them up so it probably means no nap just laying down perhaps. These is what I should have done after having little buddy but I just found that things had to get done in my mind. Now look at me I am nothing but a tearfest, not wanting to do anything. Hopefully it is just the blues and not PPD.
I am starting to find some relief from the cream that doctor had called out. The best $35.00 spent! Trying to feed Edgar and having pain is horrible. Like I said in my previous post something was going to have to give. And one was to quit breastfeeding. I am not a quitter and I kept at it. But the thought crossed my mind. It just wasn't the answer.
So here is to me. Cheers!

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